The Science of Friendship: Nurturing Social and Emotional Intelligence with Christine Brooks, Phd Tuesday, January 20, 2015 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM PST 701 Mission st, Santa Cruz Ca Christine will introduce the Science of Friendship, or the motivations, behaviors, and skills necessary to make and maintain friends, which are core components of social and emotional intelligence. In her work with individuals and teams, Christine teaches the critical processes of befriending: ways to find common purpose, create solidarity and use the power of interconnection to enhance success in our professional and personal lives. Concepts and practices of social and emotional intelligence can be useful in a practitioner’s personal growth as well as techniques to implement with clients in virtually all healing settings. Christine will offer practical tips to take into your own practice. Christine Brooks, PhD, is a coach and educator with over 20 years experience integrating creativity and self-awareness practices into her own work and in supporting the work of others. She has a doctorate in psychology with specializations in clinical psychology and transformative education and research from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Christine co-founded the Science of Friendship Project in 2012 because she believes that our capacities for interaction and connection are our greatest commodities. In addition to her coaching practice, Christine gives presentations on multiple aspects of Friendship including The Art of Letting Go, Befriending the Self, and Friendship and Personality Types. Her book, The Science of Friendship will publish in summer 2015. To find out more about Christine Brooks: Email: [email protected] Website: Soul Yoga with Dr. Pamela Singer, Certified Yoga Teacher Wednesday, January 28, 2015 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM PST 1610 Union Street, San Francisco Ca Dr. Singer, a certified yoga teacher and ED psychologist, will take attendees through a 30 minute yoga practice specifically tailored for those suffering from an eating disorder. She will take guests through her process of integration exactly as she does for her clients, with process afterwards regarding the benefits of yoga incorporation in ED recovery treatment.
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