Our Admission specialists are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5 pm, PST, to answer your questions and discuss treatment options. If your call is not answered immediately please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible. You can also reach us by email at [email protected].Please specify if you have a preferred date or time of day (morning or afternoon) that you would like to be contacted. If you would like to expedite this process you may also submit anadmissions application.
We want those interested in treatment to know up front about insurance coverage and potential costs. Prior to admission, and as a courtesy to you, our admissions team will help you verify and secure insurance coverage for our recovery programs. Benefits depend on individual's insurance plan.
Step 3: Medical Clearance
We require all clients seeking treatment with us to obtain medical clearance prior to moving forward with our intake assessment process. Medical clearance is a vital step in our admissions process and ongoing clearance will be require once admitted to our programs. We highly recommend establishing care with a medical provider that can accommodate appointments on a regular basis.
Step 4: Intake Assessment AND COLLABORATION OF CARE
Once we have received your medical clearance the next step is scheduling and completing your clinical intake assessment. At this hour-long meeting, we will discuss your current needs, summarize primary problems and diagnoses, explore relevant treatment options, strategize against barriers to treatment, and review what the next steps may be. Our meeting will provide you with a feel for our treatment philosophy and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the treatment and the recovery process. After your assessment, we will often want to connect with any treatment providers you may be currently, or recently working with. This is an important step to help us determine the best treatment option for you. Once we have collaborated care with your treatment team, we will make our final clinical recommendation, including level of care. If recommend to one of our programs, together with our admissions team and Clinical Director, we will schedule a new client orientation and decide on your admission date.